
Geographical position and shape, the abundance of vistas, the water, wealthy and miscellaneous flora and fauna, katuns – they all make Čakor one of the most beautiful regions in this part of Montenegro.

The mountain pass Čakor, located between the mountain Čakor (2058m) and Mokra Gora, at the altitude of 1,849 m used to be the highest road pass in former Yugoslavia. The pass is a watershed between the river Lim (by Drina, Sava, Danube it gets to the Black sea) and Pećka Bistrica (by Drim and Bojana it gets to the Adriatic Sea). The road from Murino (a place close to Andrijevica) to Peć, Kosovo meanders over the pass, built in 1926. This was the shortest connection of Macedonia, Kosovo and southeast part of Serbia to the Adriatic Sea. The road on the Montenegrin side, from Murino to Bjeluha was paved in 2013.

Čakor is an important geographical and historical, even economical and civilization point of the Balkans. True, there is little evidence of this fact today, besides several monuments at the pass. A famous tavern located at the pass closed long ago. However, visitors are welcomed by the cattle breeders from the close-by katuns, as is in their ancient tradition.

The pass is also known as a viewpoint, as crossroads of pristine roads, a place of historical events, gatherings of people and the abode of the Icy Wind.

Many Montenegrin mountains can be seen from here. A large village called Velika spans on one side of the pass, the river Lim is close by, proud peaks of Visitor, Zelatin … The other side is taken by Rugovska gorge where Pećka Bistrica snakes through tame and fertile Metohija plains. On the right and left, there are paths which lead towards other viewpoints, valleys and katuns (Čakor spring, Šip, Rupice, Ječmište, Jelenak, Lijepi do…)

During the summer, the Icy Wind is at a standstill. One will only feel its caress at the pass.

The mountain is teeming with springs of excellent water. For its quality and lower water temperature, Čakorski stream stands out.

Unfortunately, the number of livestock and cattle breeders is smaller today than it used to be, even though the pastures are as grassy as ever. Lijepi do (Beautifull Valley) katun for example, whose beauty is outlined in its very name, is completely neglected.  However, a road from Lijepi do to Vaganice has recently been made, and thus connected mountains Čakor and Mokra have become more available and open for a new life, development of cattle breeding, development of tourism, speleological and other research.