Vranicki katuni
Katun road „Vranički katuni“ connects five Katun settlements on the Vranica mountain in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is part of the thematic trail of Katun settlements in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. Katun settlements are active from mid-May to mid-September, when cattle breeders descend into their villages. Life in Katun settlements is subordinated to caring for animals and collecting fruits. The residents are hospitable and pleasant, and will allow you to participate in some of the traditional activities that represent their daily lives. The food you will try here is authentic and part of the tradition of this area. In addition to delicious and healthy food, you can get other services here, such as renting a tent, fireplace, accommodation, barbecue, charging mobile devices, horseback riding…
Prokoško jezero / Prokoško Lake is located at the altitude of 1635 m. It is 330 m long, and 255 m wide, with a depth of 12.80 m measured until now. The lake is surrounded by mountains of exquisite beauty, such as Krstac with an elevation of 2112 m. Our amphibian Alpine newt (Triton Alpestris Reiseri) resides here while the Hairy Alpenrose (Rhododendrom hirsutum L.) grows as an endemic species on the Vranica mountain in the immediate vicinity of the lake.
It is located 22 km from Fojnica and has been a protected area since 2005 as a Natural monument of category III. The lake can be accessed by a mainly gravel road and the entrance fee is charged. About 250 vacation lodges have been built around the lake and they offer hospitality services.
The following mountain peaks can be highlighted among the morphological diversities: Debelo brdo, Glavica, Ćoso, Tikva, Treskavica, Zelena gromila, Stražica, Runjvica, Vratolom, and Krstac.
Fojnica has always been endowed with abundance of natural beauty. One of these features is a katun settlement called Vrtača, located on the mountain with the same name northwest from the Prokoško lake.
There are about fifty katuns here owned by the people from the Local Community of Prokos in Fojnica. The katun settlement is about 17 kilometres away from Fojnica, and it can be accessed by a tarmac road up to Tovarište and further on to Vrtača by a gravel road (sport-utility vehicles only) stretching upstream along the clear waters of the small river of Borovnica.
In wintertime it can be accessed only on foot.
The snow is one to two metres high, with patches of snowbanks up to three metres.
People come here in early May, some accompanying their livestock and stay until the first snow. Blueberries and cranberries are harvested as an addition to the home budget, as this area is abundant in them. There is plenty of pure mountain water. The area offers hikers, picknickers and fishermen to enjoy in an outdoor magic. As pre-arranged, the households also provide services for visitors such as homemade meals, pies, spit-roasted lamb, juices, teas, herbs and medicinal plants.
That Otigošće was populated already in the Middle Ages, or even earlier, is proved by an old cemetery, a fairly large necropolis of stećak (medieval headstones) located in a beech forest outside the village. On one side of the road, there are headstones of different shapes and sizes without any designation, dating from the Middle Ages
Though Otigošće has inherited its thread of living presence at least from the Middle Ages, if not earlier, the first data about the population size can be found in the census records of Bosna Srebrena (Bosna Argentina) dating from 1856, with the name of Otigošić.
This area is famous by its hardworking and righteous people who have always been farmers and stock breeders. This area has magical landscapes where we can still find large cattle herds and every part of this region is redolent of traditional way of life of its people.
Just about twenty kilometres from Fojnica, Otigošće still resonates with the magic of nature. Even though there are no katuns or facilities offering hospitality services, there are plenty of reasons for everyone to visit this extraordinary place.
Golica, inaccessible by a motor vehicle, is a place where you can enjoy nature of the Vranica mountain with all your senses.
It attracts hikers, mountain bikers and other nature lovers who seek calmness and relaxation.
It is located on the western slopes of the Matorac massif, bellow the mountain peak with the same name (1937 m a.s.l.) and the famous Vran kamen (1865 m a.s.l.).
Staying at this unique place in a recently reconstructed katun hut adjusted to accommodate up to 10 persons, next to a potable mountain water spring, will make your experience exquisite and unforgettable. The recommendation is to access this place from Fojnica choosing one of the following two routes:
* The FIRIST ROUTE: By a marked hiking trail, directly from Fojnica heading towards the Matorac peak uphill to the saddle of Gorevina (about 3 h walk) where the trail splits. Taking an additional 30 minute walk, the katun at Golica can be reached.
* The SECOND ROUTE: By a marked hiking trail from the Brusnica motel at Poljana, along the ridge of the Matorac massif, up to its peak with the same name (about 1.5 h walk) and by additional 30 minute walk downhill to the Golica katun!
Golica is an ideal starting point for short or long hiking tours to the mountains of Zec and Pogorelica, massif of Vitreuša, spring of the Vrbas River, Prokoško Lake and many other peaks of the Vranica mountain higher than 2000 m a.s.l.
At Golica there are also two facilities providing services in agreement with the hosts, ranging from katun hut renting to the preparation of homemade food of exclusively organic ingredients produced here.
Gvožđanske staje, a site well-known through history for its pastures not only among the stock breeders in the Fojnica region but also wider, is located in the broader area of Poljana, on the massifs of the Vranica mountain. Wild blueberries and cranberries have always been harvested in this area, as well as other herbs and medicinal plants that can be found on this site. Katuns/cabins are specific because they are predominantly small, simple huts with shingle roofs that had been mainly used by stock breeders and people who harvested and processed wild fruits and plants. Only few huts are currently functional, mainly used as vacation rentals. There are no organised catering or service providing facilities, but nearby, at Poljana, there is an establishment for visitors with full amenities. Visiting Gvožđanske staje is definitely recommended as its charm will take you back to old calmer times, when humans cohabitated with nature.


The improvement of the website www.katunroads.me was made possible through the project “Katun Roads of Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina” financed by the European Union. The content of the site is the sole responsibility of the project partners and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.